Smell Great without Using Expensive Potentially Harmful Designer Colognes & Male Body Sprays using Men’s Fragrance Oils. We offer Unique Blends of Top-Rated Long Lasting Men’s Scented Body Oils at Cheap Discount Sales Prices that Rival even the Best Colognes.
The best way for men to get noticed in a crowded room is to wear a pleasant male fragrance. When you walk into a room wearing a great scent, you will be attracting attention. As such people will be more inclined towards positive interactions, which in turn will provide a boost to your self-esteem. It is a proven fact that there is a strong connection between certain scents and specific memories. A man is often remembered for his unique cologne. There are actual chemical and scientific factors at play that make people feel happier when they smell good.
Using men’s colognes and fragranced body oils also provides a sense of independence and individuality. Each man is able to choose scents that truly represent who they are or who they want to be. Whether you want to seem suave and strong or laid back and relaxed there are scented oils and designer colognes available to portray that image. Smelling good, feeling good and showing individuality are some of the many reasons why men decide to use fragrances such as top designer colognes and the best-scented body oils.
With so many colognes, scented body oils and other men’s fragrances it’s hard to be informed about all the options and know which ones are best for you. For instance, many of the top designer colognes have hormone-disrupting chemicals in them called phthalates. These are cheap chemical plasticizers that are used in industrial settings to soften plastics, lubricate substances, and to help certain products penetrate the skin. Phthalates have a variety of reported negative impacts on men’s health including:
- Block Male Hormones Lowering Androgen and Testosterone Levels
- Cause Sluggish Sperm and Reduce Sperm Count
- Interfere with Normal Brain Function
- Send Signals to the Body that Increase Risk of Autism, Breast Cancer, and Testicular Cancer
You, of course, want to smell good, but at what cost. You have to ask yourself, are the potential health risks associated with most top designer colognes and other men’s fragrances worth it? Even if you are lucky, and never experience any of these negative side effects do you want to have these cheap unnatural toxic chemicals in or around your body? The best naturally scented men’s body oils are amazing fragrances free of phthalates and other potentially harmful unnatural chemicals. Not only are men’s scented body oils safe and natural the fragrances last much longer than even the best designer colognes.
Most top colognes and men’s fragrance sprays use a cheap alcohol base. Alcohol evaporates which will dry out your skin as well as lose the fragrance. This causes you to have to re-spray the cologne or other men’s fragrance multiple times throughout the day. Top designer colognes are already extremely expensive when you add to it how quickly you go through a bottle you would be amazed at how much you really spend. The best natural men’s fragrance oils use a coconut oil for the base and are much less expensive than designer colognes. Coconut oil is natural oil and gets absorbed by your skin locking the scent into your pores allowing the fragrance to last much longer. Unlike most alcohol-based designer colognes and top men’s body sprays the best coconut oil based men’s scented oils will help moisturize your skin and keep it healthy instead of drying it out. Men’s naturally scented oils, like designer colognes and top body-sprays, come in a variety of amazing fragrances. Scented body oils just cost much less, last much longer, do not dry out your skin and do not have Phthalates or any other potentially harmful unnatural chemicals.
Our store offers a wide selection of the best phthalate free scented body oils in a variety of unique and amazing fragrances that rival top designer colognes. No matter what the occasion or the type of scent you are looking for we have the best men’s fragrance oils for you at cheap discount prices you can afford. A few dabs of our men’s scented body oil on your skin will ensure you smell great all day. Because our men’s fragrance oils are so affordable, you can easily purchase a few different bottles giving you a variety of unique scents to choose from giving you options and versatility. We also provide detailed descriptions of our scented body oils making it easy for you to find the best fragrances for you. If you have any questions about the difference between our scented oils and top designer colognes and body sprays or need help finding the best men’s fragrances for you please let us know and we will be more than happy to help.